
Description of Legal and Forensic Medicine as a Medical Specialty in the EU

Aims and Objectives for Specialist Training

Submission to the Union Européenne des Médicins Spécialistes by the Executive Board of the European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM), for and on behalf of the European Council of Legal Medicine, following approval of the Document by the Delegates of the Member States of the ECLM.

The submission from the Board of 14th September 2011 was approved by the UEMS and the Specialty was recognised as a Thematic Federation by the UEMS in October 2012. At the meeting of the UEMS in Brussels on Friday, 19th April 2013 the UEMS Thematic Federation on Legal and Forensic Medicine was formally brought into being with an elected Executive: Professor Duarte Nuno Vieira [President], Professor SantoDavide Ferrara [Secretary] and Professor Denis Cusack [Treasurer].

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